Friday, April 9, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A girl who glows dazzling can become captivated by her own shadow; so fascinated she might fall in.
Thursday, April 1, 2010

He told me he was through, wanted nothing. I had burned a bridge that could not be repaired. His heart had no intentions for mine, only his body.
“I love you. Look at me… I love you. I mean, did you read my letter?”
“n no?”
Coldly, “I don’t need to hear how you feel again about me. I mean, it’s like…I love watching Family Guy. But you can only see so many of the reruns over and over again until you get bored.”
Silence. Thought. The faint sound of my heart finally breaking, not a shattering sound, just the last thread holding it together unraveling, falling softly to the floor. He just likened hearing my ‘I Love You’ to tiring of reruns of Family Guy.
Tears. Understanding. I always knew I deserved better than this. This was a death of my heart, of my love and a rebirth. A baby is born- this new version of me without him.
I burned his bridge that day. He can never return to my island.