Monday, October 22, 2012

How He Reads

How I love how he reads
into me
reads from my skin
just how I need to be touched
the rush 
he knows how I love
to be
losing myself but not lost

he keeps his more solidly safe
in a book
behind his eyes
words locked in the bones 
dancing around his heart

I read between his lines
between hellos and goodbyes
browsing his shelf
best seller
baby- you tell her

and this is not a library
but we were borrowed

I'll mark your page
for you to remember
so you might 
come back for it

how I love how he'll read this

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sweet Heart

He's lucky I build my walls with marshmallows
and not bricks.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I wish I could read him
like he reads me.