Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Love Pill

We always want second chances and third chances
We count the great loves of our lives
like pills in a jar
I take you
To make me feel
whatever the deal
but did you ever think
that the story isn't perfect inside the book?
Once Upon A Time
The End
and that's all we look?
as they stand around us
wondering what we took

Friday, November 16, 2012

Non Action Hero

A new epoch
Dismissing the Cereal Box army 
the legion 
defending my honor
my heart

Centuries of cohorts
bursting forth
their plastic spears
through cardboard

And their commander
a self-proclaimed action hero
cooler in manner than the rest
who threw fire
over his shoulder into the village
never looking back;
walked away

And I the Queen
the one who stays
the one who walked in ten minutes later
to mend it all.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This is not a contest to gauge or mark the depths of one's sublimity
I've never been that way
Needing to compete
Enlightenment as a conquest
A rush race to beat the one before

You have yours and I, mine
I don't define you
by how you're not me
Nor do I confine you to the company of my mind alone

Scatter, go!
take back with you what you will know
Bring back to share
Perhaps to build
to grow

A new sublime
born of time 
and the golden trumpeted age that was us;
in the same way you never liked to rush
let time patina our love
and in palladium ages
their ensuing strategies may be 
to hang the walls with vignettes of
you and me

but knowing what I know
they will only compare.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


And why am I surprised?
Even Bach told me
they never see you till you're gone.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

2 Tables & a Chair

2 Tables & a Chair
which to sit on
to look most cool
when you arrive?