Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Touching the mortar and the brick
Your hand has been here
Vibrancy abounds

Touching my lips
one finger
Your lips have been here
Inspiration silences

Touching my heart
Your heart has been here
and has left
this brick

The King is done.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Call Me

Call me when it's fun again

Soul Gold

So hit the ground and run it hard
And make your own mistake
I swear one day your soul might go
and find a better mate
So find the girl and run to her
And have and eat your cake
And swear to her your soul is gold
Behind its brassy plate


Most of them
They run into the future
or hide within their heavy past

We escape into the now
Every time
Make our lives a round dome of glass

Sometimes snow
Sometimes glitter

Always here
where they never even think to look...


Love is an energy
Not a form
So however it comes
Wherever it goes
Put me on that train
i'll write 

Monday, March 18, 2013

then and now

A series of half lived moments
called now
in service of some mirage on the horizon
called then

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I was in love with you
It was the silent kind
not the pomp & circumstance kind
that's celebrated in public
with shows of light and color;
the kind you keep inside
the kind you hope they find in you
a faint glow from within

but since you never found it
it turned away and burned blue
leaving me to think those pink thoughts of you
the ones- full bud bound
waiting for one drop of rain
to burst forth grow

so I put it away deep within a song
where it will be held safe
no better burial; no better jar
in which it must belong
so now you can hold it
open it unscrew it
and feel a time you were loved 
from afar.