Saturday, July 20, 2013

Silver Bird

Silver Bird
light caught your wing
on your ascent
I love you free
did I ever tell you that?
The glory
never ceases to amaze me,
a centennial bell choir
Clouds standing tall
reaching the heights to see 
the orange glance of their
beloved mistress
their overarching maestro.
the girl beside
plays with shadow puppets
and you below
only now arise


All bright
Summer morning kiss
Farewell sweet May moon
Which only in the hour
met the June
And thy July
mustn't come too soon

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Tad

Everything I've hoped to find in one
I've had
At least a tad
In every cad
My love lines more like plaid
In place of a patient state of lady grace
Live my love lives more like lace
But not the kind that covers each trace
You throw stones as you sit with your diamond in place
But I know jade envy when I see it on a face

Sunday, July 14, 2013

To Have and

It may take more than one man to hold me

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Asked You

All of life is a dance
And I just asked you to dance
So dance with me

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So long as passion stings me
I will always have a song to sing thee
Worry not for I only go that way
Wherever the breeze carries leaves to the quay

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Picture Book

All your pretty lives
In my picture book
Again and again
You touch me the right way
the wrong way
I'm sorry 
I loved you
So pretty