Monday, September 30, 2013


It's immeasurable beauty
watching this butterfly
flutter and find me
among the flowers
having found you
and feeling found.

He promised to watch over
on petal wing and prayer
and now he appears here,
and you're there.

Oh the coincidence of nature
from afar;
A spiraled golden mean
and you my precious found rolling stone
are the jewel no one's seen
save for inside these brown golden eyes
where I see you as you are. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


what beautiful souls have I loved
Each unfurling a beam of Godlight
Each touch made of love
Each heart they let me hold
I honored in the temple of my spirit
My body, a divine messenger,
showing you 
God Loves All
and leaving you 
more aware of your blessings
This, my always aim.
My lyre does not falsely sing;
My heart is no liar.
So when I have loved you
I have left you with part of my eternal.
Perhaps just your sparkling eye
Perhaps your life lamp
Shine on love forever

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Bright belle aire
Crisp tones
Fall befell a beauty
Rouges and Browned wishes
Colder lips form kisses
To keep the warmth inside
No longer can I hide
in eternal summers
Cinnamon and cider
Pumpkin patches
pull my autumnal child out to play
while hands chap a bit
and new ghost stories are born

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Just Cause

Just looking for a cause to believe in
with my beating, human energy
For me,
that was you

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Your air is purified because it went through me
And I love you
"Deeper than the ocean,
Brighter than the sun"
Who knew such beauty lived inside my head?
Only now, you know.
Decorate me with the shimmering trinkets of love in this world-
Flowers, Gold, Jewels, and Letters
Cover me in gentle words,
and glittering tomorrows
No one knew beauty lives here
But now you know

Friday, September 13, 2013

Two Watches

I seized a gorgeous moment 
with you
Caught up to our nows
like two new watches
ticking in same time 
so smile at me
complex yet so simply put
I feel you 
in sync

Thursday, September 12, 2013


As unbelievable as the breeze
on its knees
asking please
to marry
that's what he was.

Yet it was a pact
we could not undo
once done.

And looking at my finger
I see my skin
but know better
the band within
that bound us 
like Castor and his twin 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


You must love me to have me 
because on the tip of you 
I will leave my light

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Light broke this morning
Split everything true
Red from Blue
Me from You
And the prismatic circle on the cloud
Reminded me 
of Earth's circularity
Around the roundness
we shall again meet
my darling
Sure as my ring sits somewhere 
in the ocean

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tell You

Do you want me to hold your hand
Tell you the things he didn't?
I'm just a song
Beauty in the earmagination of the beholden
So listen