Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The moon peeked out from behind a cloud today
And he never even saw it, because I am his curtain
Just hanging around covering light
Throw me open love
I'm just hanging around covering the night

I danced the fairy well but now I've danced my bones weak
I am not the breezy comfort you seek
But rather these days a drape
Upon which one day you will lay 
after that fight where you rip them from the window

Though he who knows me truly will know that I will never be a drape

And whatever shimmered light wants to pass 
I will lay down
And let it

Monday, December 8, 2014


Any day give me colored light to white
For I prefer to be bathed  in unsplit rainbow
And to that add my own sparkle
And try as I may 
creams beige and gray
Life turns at me like a prism
And I'll never turn away

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I am winter 
I come to you with all that is frozen in me
And need to melt

But first

I need your gentle spring
to thaw what once was green

And then

A warm May rain 
to bring to bud what beauty 
has been closed inside

And then your golden June light 
to let leaves, 
full of dew,
Dance away from petal 
of their own heavy drenched pliancy

And then I need your blue skies 
to sweetly lure the bloom
from beneath verdant crinolines

So yes, I need you 
But softly
And Slow like seasons

Thursday, November 20, 2014


You are all stars in my sky.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Crossed Out

I have happily died on the cross of this love
crossed myself out
old self fading fast
and happily have transformed
but my ghost lingered last
like a cracked crinkled edgeworn
picture from the past


Salt water was the medicine I chose
to heal this half broken heart
with shells
and other barnacled places I've been
and felt my way through the dips in swells

I swam through salty ocean tears
and swept away the sands of time
but somehow, doesn't it always stick to the skin?
ever after triton was done with me
this holey trinity
ebbed sanguine into saline
and I sat on the tip of the shore alone
and was expected each day 
to make this new for you
like a moon


As the tide turns away now
It takes with it all
that has settled in my soul


If I could
Scoop out the bad
And fill it with rainbow shebert
I would

And if I could empty this bag
and pack it with flowers
I would

And if I would actually see you 
standing in the shadow so cool in your shades
I could stand a chance

but you have disappeared- a pink peony against a poppy sunset
in my rose coloured glance

so instead i leave a single spec of glitter on you
 to remind you of this light
born of my constant charge
to make your world more bright


In times of trouble
I go to my church
I go to my grave
To gain perspective
This sepulcher of salt from which all life was made
And she listens without judgement
and she always tells me
be still
as she crashes around me 
So i grabbed the bones of my hips
i flex feet relaxed 
and stand
and hold up the sky
until it feels just like air again
and she crashes against me
And I am forced to learn what I am made of
Again and again 
like a sermon
I listen to her silence
and in the salt I am reborn

carve nothing on this grave

Just Because

In a fringed house of fun
A psychic queen
streamed incense strange
and told us
that just because you love someone
does not mean they have to change

We sat on this for a long while
in silence
walking round the fair
brushing the other noise from our hair
and absorbing it all
slow as glitter falling in plasma
heavy as a crystal ball

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Stay me this morning rise
The lush look of sleep upon your eyes
in shimmering lashes shone
The things I see in your rushed waking
Never were dreams more mine for the taking
And the dawnlight has given the guise
of two rounded skies
smiling upon 
this promise we're making
in heart
in stone

Monday, June 9, 2014

This City

I need something 
less than this city
less than this vast expanse
For I have roamed round you
but never found you
never more still

the grey azure water stopped 
the blackwell opened
and i saw you 
inside of my own shadow

have you always been there
around me
have you found me?

this vast city 
has held all of my dreams
this whole time
in this manifest destiny
i have made you
and you now
are my vast expanse


Petal to petal
Dust to dust
they fell around me
these roses
these rose coloured revolutions
always you spinning me toward the other
Until I am nothing but 
sugarpink spun thorns

too pretty to hold
too sharp to love

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bowl of Rocks

A bowl of rocks-
It was music he gave me
Something I cannot hold in the hand
As even a rock

His words humble
and true

I sit here
and roll them around
the lifelines and creases of my hands
and in that elemental transfer
feel his music
and his humble true words

and mountains
have come and gone-
their excess
and subsequent reductions

and nothing could mean more to me
than this bowl of rocks
which he has become 

and the music that remains

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


It was a cup of chance
A cup of maybe
And might one thumb have slipped
We may have missed
 But this cup of you
I'll take with cream and sugar
Sweetness and this kiss
I'll take with me
Whether I stay or go
My fingers around you
Or slipped through your handle
I will have you with me
The way sugar follows cream

Sunday, May 11, 2014


I have put so much of me
in this dream
from before birth

Added tiny stars
and balloons
so that these silly dreams
might ascend
and be seen

These tiny prayers 
throughout my life
might be better heard
if I sewed into score 
and fastened to notes.

And now I watch 
as the city sky fills with all of my desire
And at this twilight hour
 I notice your balloons up there too.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


These songs are my hands
and this is how I touch you

Sunday, May 4, 2014


This magic aire
I breathe up here
These rays above the violating clouds
are Godbright
And we are so close now
in my window I look for you
out there
above the terrestrial modeled earth
I stare into lit white
and swear
I see your face 


Oh beautiful
I am above you
And later today
You shall rise and shine on me

This seed we planted
in a frosted spring ground
triumphantly already has fragranced the crisp air
with daffodil
and tulip

So let's be patient
through winter's jokes
and know the perennial joy of this
will bloom in time
for us to truly see 
the bounty of adding
sun to water to love


I'm sorry if I celebrate
like a victory
a little bit
every time
your heart was broke
in the past
All I know
is she rushed you to me
a little more fast

Thursday, May 1, 2014


And in your eyes
I splashed and played
in pools so greyblue
And you in bronzed ochre
through autumn fields
Laughter leaving your silent lips

Unbelieving were we
at what did pass
Two souls rounding each other
playing somewhere in the silver middle
finding repose

I played in heaven
and returned to my body
fully aware that you loved me
More than I could ever love myself
because you have seen 
my hidden plan
past the edge of my mirror, 
the dark side of this moon
and the celestial innocence we are, were and will be

the all of me
swimming there in your eyes.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


He is 
a part of me
apart of me
to rejoin
with himself really
in the form of 

And I am 
a part of him
apart of him
waiting to become
the moonprint
the roseburst
the sunstream
a collection of our stars
 a harbor of passing ships
rocking softly 
in the pearled onyx tide
now sleeping
to reunite

and along the edge of the dock of my soul
for you darling
I have hung tiny lanterns,
strung tiny torches
for you 
to find me;
a strand of glittering dawns
I stand beneath 
bathed in tiny sunsets

Friday, April 18, 2014


My flower is in bloom
I want to give you all things beautiful
just to watch the sparkle fill your eyes
and witness joy 
grow in your garden.

and most beautiful of all,
my heart full of grace
and color
and life-
this i plant at your shore
and wait to watch its beauty fill your sky
so I can become part of something more lovely
than the solitude of beauty

so i can forever fill the lonesome field of your heart
with flowers

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The earth is burning my old plans like incense
I turned around to fragrant smoke
Where once he stood
A funny joke that once was good
made me laugh
But my better half turned out to be my better judgement
So now, I don't shuffle, I walk
I pick up these pieces of talk
Assemble them into pretty things.
Who would have thought
a telephone ring
would wrap more right round my finger
than gold from the kings
Watch me fly to his side
like there's fire on my wings

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


In this early rush
This rosegold blush
I never sleep
And keep your scent alive
Guarded by
My tightest keep
And the tiny voices of sheep
Counting me
But I glow from something better than rest
And those who know
Prefer this look best
With you on one side
My heart, the other
Both finding the pillow of my chest
And each thinking the other
Beautifully blessed

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tiny Wand

Oh Sky- 
What have you in your stars for me?
What beauty marks and scars for me?
What see you in tea leaves for me?
What keep you up your sleeves for me?

I am the painter
of my future

But still I'll take a little side of magic
with my will
A tiny wand to stir my wonder.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Never felt more like me
Feeling more like you
How could this truth
Make me untrue
when all I have to give
is the same force 
for which we live

Stand on the bank of it
Spin it around
Weigh it in your hand
Do what you must to understand

Sometimes its fine to love the sky
from the land
But sometimes I need to know its mine to fly
shake off the sand
and take to flight
where a run was planned.


You leave traces of me
on your face
as I glance your way
by chance
And we remember 
freedom fields
and sudden falling rains
as paint drip dropped
Before pain, before pleasure stopped.
And I need not reply 
to a sparkling eye
with much more than this 
sultry stare
stained with the secret scarlet sights
of one who did dare.

Two Blues

I coast between you
Two blues
and wonder which appeals
The love of light or
the honesty of sight
which feels to me more real
like a pink lady apple
or an emerald blade
or the key to your place

I float due to modernity
between these two blues
hoping to become the one
that most feels like you.

Golden Divine

Could you be mine?
Part of my golden divine?
The reason it took so much time?

Could it be he?
Who I was supposed to see?
And make an equal part of me?

Could it be overdue?
To clear all to blue
and make room for you?


I seem to always

my comfort in 

Tried to fight this emotion
and couldn't 

So to whomever
has the pleasure
of having and holding
save your scolding
if these wings
you clip,
I keep

Thursday, January 30, 2014

This Time

Get me above this ocean
for I need to see stars
and seed my wishes
with solitary purpose

I will be great
this time around

and later ascend
to sparkle
diamond night

and be your wish's
sticking point

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Cheers to this life
And the swirled paths leading us to the simplest places,
And the way water washes away a day,
And to my ability to fly above terrestrial storms,

Cheers to these snowclouds below 
and their peach painted crests and indigo eaves,
And to winter beach shells
And fallen fall leaves

And to farewell taxiside kisses
And to welcoming warm embraces
And to both strangers and familiar faces
And to one becoming the other

Cheers to what we may discover...


You keep relighting the sunset
Waiting up for me
Un-lating me
so that I come through
your doors
gracefully lit by tangerine
and let you teach me to find
the early moon

And I re-promise
I'm coming home soon
But it's hard to unlearn mars
and its magenta stars
but for you dear
i will re-pretend


I flutter and fade
Between these 2 worlds
Overlaid light
and faint gray noise
Cracks through vintage hue
of memories stored
sorted and named
but you were always through
those cracks that
crack like a sullen storm
through summer,
the simultaneous crash
of the whole of heaven
falling in drops


Our excess
Champagne never let my lips dry
Gliding on your touch
which hovers me
like a rainbow
And zippers follow 
hungry fingers
What has 
been made-
this music of feathers-
is made in stone;
in the bones
and will float forever
in unending drift
peacocks weave in
they don't even feel the shift
they make a scene of 
our quiet
our royal cobalt indigo kiss
but one can not 
rush my blood
and I don't spread these colors
for just anyone
so as the zipper falls
and I come undone
be amazed for me
in the blue blaze 
of a non-repeating heart
and let our excess 
be our art

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Touch The Art

I am a living breathing work of art.
Don't paint me into corners.
Don't frame me in.
Don't brush me off.
But shade me,
Give me your richest hues,
Ice me with delicate highlight and the adornments of detail.
And lastly
Please don't museumize my gentle canvas.
Please enjoy me in this life.
Please touch the art.