Thursday, January 30, 2014

This Time

Get me above this ocean
for I need to see stars
and seed my wishes
with solitary purpose

I will be great
this time around

and later ascend
to sparkle
diamond night

and be your wish's
sticking point

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Cheers to this life
And the swirled paths leading us to the simplest places,
And the way water washes away a day,
And to my ability to fly above terrestrial storms,

Cheers to these snowclouds below 
and their peach painted crests and indigo eaves,
And to winter beach shells
And fallen fall leaves

And to farewell taxiside kisses
And to welcoming warm embraces
And to both strangers and familiar faces
And to one becoming the other

Cheers to what we may discover...


You keep relighting the sunset
Waiting up for me
Un-lating me
so that I come through
your doors
gracefully lit by tangerine
and let you teach me to find
the early moon

And I re-promise
I'm coming home soon
But it's hard to unlearn mars
and its magenta stars
but for you dear
i will re-pretend


I flutter and fade
Between these 2 worlds
Overlaid light
and faint gray noise
Cracks through vintage hue
of memories stored
sorted and named
but you were always through
those cracks that
crack like a sullen storm
through summer,
the simultaneous crash
of the whole of heaven
falling in drops


Our excess
Champagne never let my lips dry
Gliding on your touch
which hovers me
like a rainbow
And zippers follow 
hungry fingers
What has 
been made-
this music of feathers-
is made in stone;
in the bones
and will float forever
in unending drift
peacocks weave in
they don't even feel the shift
they make a scene of 
our quiet
our royal cobalt indigo kiss
but one can not 
rush my blood
and I don't spread these colors
for just anyone
so as the zipper falls
and I come undone
be amazed for me
in the blue blaze 
of a non-repeating heart
and let our excess 
be our art

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Touch The Art

I am a living breathing work of art.
Don't paint me into corners.
Don't frame me in.
Don't brush me off.
But shade me,
Give me your richest hues,
Ice me with delicate highlight and the adornments of detail.
And lastly
Please don't museumize my gentle canvas.
Please enjoy me in this life.
Please touch the art.