Monday, October 27, 2014

Crossed Out

I have happily died on the cross of this love
crossed myself out
old self fading fast
and happily have transformed
but my ghost lingered last
like a cracked crinkled edgeworn
picture from the past


Salt water was the medicine I chose
to heal this half broken heart
with shells
and other barnacled places I've been
and felt my way through the dips in swells

I swam through salty ocean tears
and swept away the sands of time
but somehow, doesn't it always stick to the skin?
ever after triton was done with me
this holey trinity
ebbed sanguine into saline
and I sat on the tip of the shore alone
and was expected each day 
to make this new for you
like a moon


As the tide turns away now
It takes with it all
that has settled in my soul


If I could
Scoop out the bad
And fill it with rainbow shebert
I would

And if I could empty this bag
and pack it with flowers
I would

And if I would actually see you 
standing in the shadow so cool in your shades
I could stand a chance

but you have disappeared- a pink peony against a poppy sunset
in my rose coloured glance

so instead i leave a single spec of glitter on you
 to remind you of this light
born of my constant charge
to make your world more bright


In times of trouble
I go to my church
I go to my grave
To gain perspective
This sepulcher of salt from which all life was made
And she listens without judgement
and she always tells me
be still
as she crashes around me 
So i grabbed the bones of my hips
i flex feet relaxed 
and stand
and hold up the sky
until it feels just like air again
and she crashes against me
And I am forced to learn what I am made of
Again and again 
like a sermon
I listen to her silence
and in the salt I am reborn

carve nothing on this grave

Just Because

In a fringed house of fun
A psychic queen
streamed incense strange
and told us
that just because you love someone
does not mean they have to change

We sat on this for a long while
in silence
walking round the fair
brushing the other noise from our hair
and absorbing it all
slow as glitter falling in plasma
heavy as a crystal ball