The girl took a fun pose in front of the green sign with the rainbow stars. It was some sort of ad for a bakery, or at least that's what her French told her.
It was so much colder than she had planned and her woolen green pea coat and knit rainbow striped gloves was barely enough to hold the heat of her body. Chocolat Chaud was in order.
She was probably the most colorful thing in Paris; everyone in their chic winter grey or black. She was a peacock with her feathers splayed, shimmering in the City of Lights. And now it started snowing.
Flash. Pose. Flash. Smile. Laughing. They ran underground to the safety of the Metro, covered in powdered sugar.
The snow melted from her hair, the coldness of that winter thawed, her life changed, her boyfriends changed, her desire for hot chocolate lessened...
But that picture remained; forever reminding her of how she believed in love that could light the sky, her boundaryless dreams, and the way the stars of another city made her beautiful.
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