Thursday, February 2, 2012

Grand Central

The city crawls with wheels; itself moves beneath you
Serpents two blocks long breathe people in
Sing their same song- A, E no I but try 3
And emerge, eyes shut, to the light of a night sun
to cool and sleep but keeps it secret
because she says she never sleeps

She found me there at the corner
Standing still on the moving streets of a breathing beast
Holding tight to shifting letters and lines
Numbers like vines
Swing me downtown to bring me up
To meet pigeon swagger keeping the beat

Rhythmically I listen for love in the glistening noise and
constancy of feet-
A needle in a 'Hey'stack
Small Sure True
A glint of pure you illumes a spire
A scortch of fire
And I'm inspired
To Flight
here beneath shadows buildings cast
And statues cast upon buildings
In shadows I cast my own light

And the marble lady just told me
That beauty is old yet ever new
So I throw glitter in the street
In celebration of you

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