Wednesday, May 29, 2013

All Summerlong

And this is where we lived.  All summerlong.  We came and went into the city at our feet, feeling rich and adorned by its constant buzzing din; a choir of daylight driven feet and a glittered midnight symphony of raw joy.  Joy in the rise and fall, in the ability to make it or be broken here in this real city.  And if we can do it here.  

So we did it there all summerlong.  You were comfortably mine and I, yours.  Ferry rides and weekend escapes infused us with the nurture of nature.  You holding my half-summer-sweatered wheaten hand, I feeling you like strong rope.  I was a sail which took you higher, farther, faster, brighter.  You were the anchor which kept me ground bound and beating like a pulse, my flesh hot for your touch always.  

The black lacquered door held behind it a dreamworld.  One which does not exist now, a Shangri-La you will seek in your later years when you realize I was not a mirage of emblazoned days- your saving drop of crystal water.  

Now the turn key twists into the abandoned gold abyss and there is no more of our tryst behind that door.  You sought autumnal success to spring into your winter ages secure.  The only cure was everlong always summer.

Fairy Tales

We fairy tales are not supposed to believe in 
scientists either

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Old Love

You used to be so clear
You used to be so here
My favorite little "yes"

Don't know where that spirit went
Really miss that heart shaped love
Those words were free birds
Flying rainbows round me

I hope you know
I hope to grow
A pretty little garden inside of your chest

and make new love for you
my old love
a colorful crest
a jade-proof vest

remind you who you are

Monday, May 27, 2013


Remember we're a radio signal away
A dire sweep past several many bay
A dial notch past right
A trial past good night
And five wrong turns behind to try to pay
the toll, the till, your bill
we were wrong to stray
in the same way we're here to stay
but don't say I'm stranded here on your island
I lost allegiance to the expected
my flag flying sequins
made of the last dress I wore
the last distress hit the shore
and you came 

Friday, May 24, 2013


Forever your firecracker
this, my plymouth rock,
a sparkling riot of platinum promise,
to always shine for you 
most brightly
mes chéris,
and to always keep you guessing.
This summer butterfly
casts no shadow on your hallowed smokey ground. 
Let me be the one in the sky
bursting into color filling your world with sound
as you lay to slumber
Goodnight rocky mountain darling,
burn each last ember for me
as night's starline turns to dreaming
and I will be above you 
freely streaming

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chasing Sunsets

And we keep chasing these sunsets
Realizing in afterhours
we should have shared more kisses
than words.
Your warmth keeps finding me
as I race backwards through time to keep you
young and beautiful,
fond of me and
my golden ways;
these golden days
always returning.
As you are almost gone I garner the wherewithal
to look directly at you.
I tell you 
all I've ever yearned to say;
declare you my Sun King
as you dip down below,
but I must remember
you burn,
not glow
all over my skin in a skein of tangled wishes
we once tossed into the billows
like copper coins.
My lilliputian form stands still 
against the rails of it
as my will declares its constancy and watches you go down
I take with me this ebony flow
this solid peace-
I know
 you, also, will not go out.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The kind of blues you give me
Are the good kind
Teal of the sea
and seersucker on sails
and my mast set for the magnetic unknown
with you swirling 
Taste the spray of it on my skin
Anchors Aweigh!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


We are chasing suns
Going backwards into time
Facing forwards

I look into your very clear eyes
Those two brown lies
where truth lives still
the seat of your soul

empty as fairground chairs
a day past close

Sun set on what you have told me
don't worry
nobody knows

your stare alone told me
against the concrete wall
and with these two kisses
you are now 

Monday, May 20, 2013


The funniest thing
I write about those shifting times
Perhaps to soothe you 
or me
Make sense or art of it.
But most times I have tears behind my eyes
Joy in the amount of love I carry for it all
for you all
and only in times when I perhaps am worn down
like an old coin
do I let them fall
my force a resplendent liquid light
I can no longer contain my love solid
but allow the change of form
Astounded, still. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Angel of Now

I promise to always be your pop of color
To always look in the hidden corners for fairies
To leave glitter where I've sat
To be your angel of now

Friday, May 17, 2013


My the beauty you've seen
Oceans surfed in your turquoise eyes
Yes, take me there
with your kiss
And with your body
pull me into tribal fires
And with your eyes
Drown anything in me
not covered in flowers

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Swan Dive

This round, light swan
dives another adventure down
Feather drift soft befalls
skin glowing last orange gossamer
scented tangerine
baking clay and salted glitter

these small details I notice in the service of love

you have turned my blues to aquas
my pinks to rose
my tears to Chardonnay
and my heart to palm

in this chapel
of woven fingers
I hold thee;
a marriage or sorts-
to freedom
sealed with the last cadmium glow
of a pomegranate kiss
left on this,
our bronzed aged horizon

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dear Red Letter Reader...

Oh Red Letter Reader
Dearest eyes who have surmised the shape of this heart
in great worry
and have sought the counsel 
in regards to my soul's state
to try once again
lift lifeless lids and look to the browned eyes of love
itself removed from the pupils

I've been through it
but until you asked
I would have sent a doily 
Red glitter
and a perfect red yes,
a heart,
to RSVP your soirée-
thank you
for always being the secret light inside of me
I desired and loved most

but to repondez 
s'il vous plait
I guess they all left me for dead
took the parts of me they loved
left the rest
like parts of the chicken
Days of Shakespeare on the bed table and roses underfoot
Seem to have gone out of favour
Gentlemen less gentle
but this vampiress sits romantically in her same chair
breathing beauty of the crisp apple night
this romance
lives in perpetuity.
These eyes they all thought browned with loss
Were really warmed with love
Still saved
And eyes may hide their age
but not their wisdom

So yes,
All things considered my darling,
never been better
or more alive.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Like White On Rice

He looks like a white bullet
Following my black car
And I look like the dark Queen
Streaming from his dark star
Oh we look like the wrong way
Travelled way too joyously far
Affixed like a hat to a headless someone
Covering a scar
Like delicate fingers
Strumming a stringless guitar
He looks like nothing I've ever seen in this bar.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The weird sweeps warm smile cross these cherry lips
So don't forget my number lest the nine secrets of these hips
is lost to the tide of fallen figures
and sealed in the diary of our Sphinx

And finally she wrote to me
Those words I'm supposed to hear
It was two not three but pity be
that twasn't five or six
all those towns of places we made
Faces staring at other stars
There were miles of creases we laid
pieces of us left in other cars

but still I know in your traffic jam state of mind
I'm always the reason you adjust the view behind
and you wish on coins already thrown 
that's how hidden you keep these bones
The last thing you'd ever say is what's on your mind
simply poses instead
still, reflective, and completely falsified
devoid of the love I placed in our lives
but your poses make better proses than poems
you know
and my read poems make better roses
one last taste of me
sweeps past those full and cherry lips

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Above

Oh Night
glittering gold above
You will love me forever
until I become you
then even I will love me 
with your eternal heart
vast as death and life in a breath 

Above all time
we watch each other
and I glitter silver
beneath your black caress

You adulate me
I idolize you
Supertemporal game false modesty
when we are each other
looking into a charcoal mirror
smiling silver gold
without end.


I just lost your scent 
on my pillow
and now you come
in a drunken haze of he said she said
to replace it again

Friday, May 3, 2013


To him
I am a dollhouse
Full of wild interior stories
So much fun
To be in play
At play
And to play in 

Simple brass latch
Simple hinge

Full of those wild wild interior lives
He would rather best keep to 
His tame imagination
And still take his family past its
Shining coloured lights
Each night
And tell them 
"She's mine"

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Oh what planning
What charm goes into 
Having the Queen 
in your King bed